Monday, November 24, 2008

A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift

This is my favorite essay in the entire book! It is extremely sarcastic and funny, which is definitely my style. He talks about how we should have children and SELL THEM! Of course he is just tryong to make a joke about our socety, but in a diabolic way, it makes a lot of sense. He makes fun of rich people and talks about how rich people don't care or are aware of the less fortunate. He makes the comment that rich people are so full of themselves that they would even purchase childrens meat to eat. I think the more fortunate or lucky or richer people should help those less fortunate than them. And stop being so damn spoiled and self centered. Because they will go to hell.

Cultural Baggage by Barbara Ehrenreich

I really liked this essay alot because I agree with her completely. I believe that you are your own culture. Like, not to say that culture has gone down the drain because you still have the influences of your origin, but when youre 18 I feel like you design your own culture. When youre 18 you decide what religion you wana be, what you wana do with your life, what types of food you wana eat, and anything else that comes your way. So youre influenced by your current surroundings and environment. I believe I am apart of the nothing culture also, although I am tremendously influenced by my immigrant cuban family.

College Pressures by William Zinsser

Being a college student, I can relate to the essay about the pressures college students face. The money issues, the amount of stress that comes with trying to balance our lives with our schoolwork. Sometimes its really difficult for some students and easier for others. Some kids have no idea whats going on, some are procrastinators and need alot of help changing from the igh school mindset to the mature, colege mindset. In this essay we see a few letters left to one of the deans at the school. Some are funny and some are not. He did a good job describing the dificulties some students face in college and I think a lot of students would agree and others can really understand what we students go through.