Wednesday, December 17, 2008

I hate anything controversial. Mainly because of the actual meaning of the topic. CONTROVERSY. trouble. Annoying. Affirmative action is so annoying because people want equality, but when we set up a structure to maintain the "equality," they get upset about it. There is no way to conform humans. They want a perfect world that is not possible. And if people didnt take race, height, weight, strength, and skills into consideration, than we would have young, weak women working at a department store stocking and big strong men working at the jewelry counter at JC Penney. There are reasons they ask those questions. Like what your race is. They obviously need to get someone hispanic working at every single store, restaurant, office builiding, and even McDonald's in hialeah since spanish is the main language. Its not to discriminate or anything. And why would you hire someone less qualified for a job just because you need to make your business "equal?" Thats dumb. I would hire the more skilled applicant. Duh. Its better for business and customer service.

Allen Pace Nilen, Sexism in English.

The author makes some strong points and provides overwhelming details to back up her side. She has a valid point, but i dont think im too interested in this essay. Its annoying to me to bring up such a dumb point. She is contradicting human nature. Its like we want to control everything so much that it fires back on us. Supposedly, we make words have meanings. But we are the ones who make up the words. So if we're so worried about the connotation and the structure of the word, than why did we make it like that. Besides, im not too sure people are really worried about how we talk and the words we use. We're so used to saying and using them that we dont really pay attention to the "sex" of the word, if it even has any.

E.M. Forster, My Wood

This essay relates directly with how people changed when they own more property or land, or own more expensive things than others. He emphasizes the effect that property has on people. How people become more cocky when they own more things. And how they get this desire to own more and more. They want to own more and bigger things. And they want people to know its theirs. It belongs to them. Nobody else. And it also makes you feel like you need to do something to it. Make it perfect. And you might not be sure how or what to do but you feel the need to do something.

Cinematyes, By Susan Allen Toth.

In this essay, the author categorizes all the men she dates. She categorizes them by their movie choices, about where they park, about what they eat. One of them is like a nerd and another one is a pretty boy who is a player. She describes what they do and classifies them by their actions. In the end, she really doesnt like either of them. She doesnt believe any of them are right for her. So she goes home alone. But hey, thats what makes her happy. I like this essay because it shows how strong she is and how she isnt going to settle for less than what she wants.

Stephen King, Why We Crave Horror Movies.

This essay is so honestly written. I think just as he does. As the saying goes, "great minds think alike." I think people do crave movies that create a false world of their imagination. Since everyone is really actually a little insane in some sort of way, our imaginations run endlessly in our minds. What we think and what we wish to do, illegal things, horrible things, that we cant because of the consequences of reality, are all portrayed in horror movies. Even little things, like hurting people when they hurt us, or living on another planet because aliens have attacked our own. All things we think about and wish to do but cant. We crave horror movies as an emotional release.

A Fable for Tomorrow, by Rachel Carson.

This story is sort of sad. The way she compares in great detail the beautiful, sunny, flowery little town to the disgusting, gloomy, sad aftermath. At first you dont really notice what she is trying to do, or what she is even talking about. But as you read the story and come to the conclusion, you notice how bad humans are destroying the earth. Although this story is fiction, it happens in reality. People do destroy the earth. And i wish that the town she described existed, but i havent heard or seen any like it.

Embalming in the USA, by Jessica Mitford.

This essay is so weird. Its disturbing. To just think about the process of embalming a dead human being. All the removal of the bloody, gushy insides. The insertion of the embalming liquid. The preparation and attatchment of severed and missing body parts. The make-up. Its quite disgusting and morbid. But the detail and order in the essay is really amazing.

The Death of the Moth, By Virginia Woolf.

I love the description in this essay. The way she highlights the moths attributes. The way she describes so in depth the colors and the actions of the moth. She tells about how the birds are outside flying and how she compares regular moths tp the moth in her house. It is kind of sad how she tells about how the moth tries so hard to escape and resume his little life outside. How he keeps crashing into the window and finally, lays down and dies. He sort of gives up hopelessly. Like she says at the end, the moth finally lets death consume him. as if death was stronger than he was.