Wednesday, December 17, 2008

I hate anything controversial. Mainly because of the actual meaning of the topic. CONTROVERSY. trouble. Annoying. Affirmative action is so annoying because people want equality, but when we set up a structure to maintain the "equality," they get upset about it. There is no way to conform humans. They want a perfect world that is not possible. And if people didnt take race, height, weight, strength, and skills into consideration, than we would have young, weak women working at a department store stocking and big strong men working at the jewelry counter at JC Penney. There are reasons they ask those questions. Like what your race is. They obviously need to get someone hispanic working at every single store, restaurant, office builiding, and even McDonald's in hialeah since spanish is the main language. Its not to discriminate or anything. And why would you hire someone less qualified for a job just because you need to make your business "equal?" Thats dumb. I would hire the more skilled applicant. Duh. Its better for business and customer service.

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