Wednesday, October 15, 2008

the lie detector..

The Lie Detector, by Lewis Thomas is a very peculiar and intersting article. He begins to explain how lying is stressful to humans, and that we are a moral species by compulsion, which I completely disagree with. Some people are just immoral and they never realize that lying is bad. I had an aquaintence like that once, where she lived in her own fantasy world, and lied without hesitation. She was like a chronic liar, she was such a liar she even lied to herslef. And worse of all, she believed all the lies she told. I couldn't tell if she was really sick and needed medical attention, but I'm absolutely sure that if you would connect her to a lie detector machine, that it would not be able to tell whether she was lying or not. So I definitely don't think hgthat we are moral by natire. I agree that a love detector wouldn't be a very useful machine, I believe a lie detector isn't either. I think that it's all in your mind and that your mind is more powerful than a machine.

Joycette vs. Christian. J/K. Neat vs. Sloppy People.

Neat vs. Sloppy people by Suzanne Britt was read in class by me and my best friend, Christian. We each fall into one of the categories, me being the neat one, Chris being the sloppy one. This is a funny story which is all true. Everything she described neat and sloppy people doing was true. And in part she was trying to defend herself and say that sloppy people are maybe not better, but are more sentimental I guess, and keep everything, while neat people throw everything away because they feel it is unnecessary to keep. Which is not true because I do keep everything that is important to me, its just in a box in my room. Nice. Neat. And organized. :]

How to give orders like a Woman. haha

How to Give Orders Like a Man by Deborah Tannen is an interesting essay. I like the way it goes in depth about how society looks at people and how we're supposed to act towards our "inferiors." I think that when people talk directly just because they're the president or something of a company that it's wrong because everybody is equal and nobody is anyone's slave. And I think that if someone who is under you whether by social or economic class or even job title, they should be able to speak up and say what they feel and give orders too, specially if the situation risks their lives and the lives of others. I don't think its wrong to speak indirectly either because it shows politeness and courtesy towards other people. And it will probably make them do it better than if you order them to do it.

why don't we complain? THE STORY. 8)

The story Why Don't we Complain really appeals to me. What William F. Bukley says and emphasizes in this story is true, that americans don't stand up for themselves. And that by the time people decide to actually stand up for their rights, we'll have flying cars and not need to say anything. He also uses an ironic example to add humor to the not-so-funny essay. He says that the first time he decided he would stand up for himself, which was a new year's resolution he made, that the guy he stood up to had just had a heart attack and he felt really bad and more embarrassed than before. I laughed when I read that because although it wasn't funny, it showed that maybe he shouldn't really try to stand up for himself ALL of the time.

marrying absurd!

This story was so funny. At first, the author started talking about the requirements you need to meet to be married in Las Vegas, which is only a marriage license that you can purchase for $5. So basically, if you're "poor" or you need to be married right away, or you're really drunk, you can get married to just about anyone at any time for $5. There is a deeper message in this story which she tries to display that the actual meaning of marriage has gone down the drain, which I totally agree with. People these days get married either too young on impulse, or get married to people just to say their married and receive a ring which they will later pawn right after they get divorced.