Wednesday, October 15, 2008

the lie detector..

The Lie Detector, by Lewis Thomas is a very peculiar and intersting article. He begins to explain how lying is stressful to humans, and that we are a moral species by compulsion, which I completely disagree with. Some people are just immoral and they never realize that lying is bad. I had an aquaintence like that once, where she lived in her own fantasy world, and lied without hesitation. She was like a chronic liar, she was such a liar she even lied to herslef. And worse of all, she believed all the lies she told. I couldn't tell if she was really sick and needed medical attention, but I'm absolutely sure that if you would connect her to a lie detector machine, that it would not be able to tell whether she was lying or not. So I definitely don't think hgthat we are moral by natire. I agree that a love detector wouldn't be a very useful machine, I believe a lie detector isn't either. I think that it's all in your mind and that your mind is more powerful than a machine.

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